Cyber Troopers Virtual On
Flooded City
Flooded City
There are few obstacles to hind behind in the stage, so high-speed maneuvers and flying attacks will produce winning results.
Put your machine through its paces in search-and-destroy mode. Strategically placed buildings give cover to both sides of the conflict. Try staking out the high ground to launch attacks against the enemy below.
It's a game of cat and mouse in the city at dusk. Some of the obstacles here are too low to offer protection, so a highly mobile attack might be your best strategy.
Green Hills
Green Hills
There's room to roam, but no place to hide in this 100% natural simulated battlefield. One point to remember -- pine trees are not particularly effective cover against homing missiles or napalm.
Virtual warfare with a sense of history; re-enact great battles of yesteryear on the stage of this ancient amphitheater.

Secret Base - Jaguarandi
No where to hide from VR. Jagurandi's devastating missiles and lasers in this flat, futuristic plain. The only cover from being destroyed is good maneuvering abilities and fast thinking.
Space Dock
Mindshift out of training mode for your first encounter with a real enemy. There are impenetrable fortifications regularly spaced throughout the fighting aea of this remote station orbiting the moon. And the difficulty level has made a quantum leap - these are real guns, live bombs. This is not a drill.
Space Dock
Moon Base
Set your pods on lunar sail for the first time. You'll need to use the barriers erected all along the perimeter of the base to dodge the enemy's relentless assault and return fire.
Moon Base
Death Trap
You'll have to put all the maneuvers and tactical skills you learned in simulation battles and live combat to get through this stage. There's plenty of cover to work with, so take your time and wear your enemy down.
Death Trap

Final Mission - Z-Gradt
Once again, you're caught with absolutely no where to hide, and staying still for even a second can put all your hard work to shame.